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2008 Audi A4 OEM Repair Service Manual PDF

2008 Audi A4 OEM Repair Service Manual PDF
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  • GTIN: 5949960500791
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2008 Audi A4 Service Manual and Wiring Diagrams:

What does the DeLuxe repair manual mean? You can get a guaranteed refund if you find a better, more detailed, or more complete repair manual like this one anywhere online.

Do you own a 2008 Audi A4?

Then you may know the importance of having a reliable repair manual by your side and to help you out, we have the perfect 2008 Audi A4 Service Manual PDF with Wiring Diagram. In this manual you will find everything from detailed instructions to step by step guidance on simple to complex types of repair and maintenance tasks.

Apart from this detailed technical information the manual also contains detailed wiring diagrams that can help you easily diagnose and fix any issues with the electrical component of Audi A4. And also not to forget our manual have up to date and accurate information which will help you save time and money at the same time. With this manual you can work on your Audi A4 confidently without any mechanics help.

Understanding the Importance of a Reliable Service Manual and Wiring Diagrams

Being a car owner of such a luxurious and stylish Audi A4 you know how important it is to get access to the accurate information so that you can keep your Audi A4 in top condition for years to come. And searching online for such information on different platform can be challenging so having our reliable Audi A4 service manual by your side is important.

Accurate and Detailed Instructions for Repairs

Unlike any generic manual that covers various year Audi A4 repair manual our manual are specifically designed using your vehicle VIN so that it provides the most accurate and reliable information according to the make year of your Audi A4.

By having this manual by your side whether you are car owner or a professional mechanic, you will have all the information required and with step by step procedures every single task will be so easy to perform.

Comprehensive Wiring Diagrams for Electrical Repairs

As also mentioned above apart from providing detailed instructions, our 2008 Audi A4 workshop manual also focuses on providing detailed wiring diagrams that are helpful when addressing any complex electrical issue. And the manual is so detailed that it spans over 8,000 pages of which around 3,000 are dedicated to wiring diagrams.

Working on electrical issues of your car can be quite challenging but with the proper guidance and information provided in our manual you can easily resolve the most complex electrical issue like a breeze. Also the diagrams are clear and concise to provide better understanding of your car and are even well-labeled and coded.

Cost and Time Savings

If you compare our workshop manual pdf from other manuals available you will find that out manual have all the up to date information included in it, as they are regularly update to include every advancement made to your Audi A4. Which eventually means that you will have all the information that are cost effective and save you lot of time too at the same time.

Furthermore, A4/S4 Avant 8K,8K2,8K5,8KH B8 Audi AG genuine factory manual also includes the estimated time a repair or maintenance task can take which allows your to plan accordingly and keep your car in top condition for years to come.

Additional Features of the 2008 Audi A4 Repair Manual

Even the manual has various other helpful features aside from detailed instructions and wiring diagrams which make it a valuable resource for every Audi A4 owners.

  • Troubleshooting and Diagnosis Tips: You will find lot of troubleshooting and diagnosing tips included in the manual for common repair and maintenance of A4. Which helps in saving time by quickly identifying the cause of the fault.
  • Maintenance Schedule and Checklist: Even the manual has maintenance schedules that helps you in proper maintenance of your Audi A4. It includes simple maintenance of your car such as oil changes, air filters, spark plugs to more complex one like replacing brake pads, engine and transmission maintenance and many more.
  • Easy Navigation and Search Functionality: Also for better user interface our manual is designed accordingly. As you can find various features such as index tables, hyperlinks, interactive links and bookmarks which can help you navigate to any specific section of manual quickly eliminating guesswork.

So why wait? Get your hands on our 2008 Audi A4 service manual today and have peace of mind knowing that you have everything you need to keep your car in top condition.

Typical table of contents

  • Vehicle-specific information
  • Maintenance
  • Engine
  • Servicing engine
  • Technical data for engines
  • Fuel supply system
  • Automatic gearbox
  • Manual gearbox
  • Servicing automatic gearbox
  • Servicing manual gearbox
  • Running gear, front-wheel drive, and four-wheel drive
  • Rear final drive
  • Brake system
  • Specifications for testing the braking force
  • Heating, air conditioning
  • Auxiliary heater
  • Body Repairs
  • Body repairs, exterior
  • Body repairs, interior
  • Trailer Operation Guide
  • Wheels and tires

Wiring Diagrams table of contents

  • Wiring Diagrams for exact VIN
  • Fitting instructions: radio communication systems
  • Communication
  • Electrical system
  • DTC List

Engines covered in our 2008 Audi A4 repair manuals:

[8E,8E2,8E5,8EC,8ED] B7

4-cylinder TDI unit injector engine (1.9 ltr.; 2.0 ltr. 2-valve), mechanics AVB AVF AWX BKE BPW  BRC BRB
4-cylinder TDI unit injector engine (2.0 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics BVA BRD BLB BNA BRE  BRF BVF BVG
4-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (2.0 ltr. 4-valve turbo), mechanics BWT BYK BPG BPJ BGB  BUL BWE
4-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (2.0 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics AWA 
4-cylinder engine (2-valve), Mechanics ALZ
4-cylinder engine (2.0 ltr. 5-valve), mechanics ALT
4-cylinder engine (5-valve turbo), mechanics BKB AMB AVJ BFB BEX
6-cylinder TDI engine (2.7 ltr.; 3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics ASB BKN BPP BSG
6-cylinder diesel direct injection engine (TDI), mechanics BAU BDG BDH AKE AYM  BCZ BFC
6-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (3.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics BKH AUK
6-cylinder engine (3.0 ltr. 5V), mechanics ASN AVK BBJ BGN
6-cylinder engine, mechanics AMM BDV
8-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (4.2 ltr. 4-valve RS 4), mechanics BNS
8-cylinder engine (4.2 ltr. 5-valve with timing chains), mechanics BHF BBK

[8K,8K2,8K5,8KH] B8

4-cylinder TDI engine (2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail - generation II) CJCA CJCB CGLC CGLD CMGB  CMFA CJCC CMFB CJCD 
4-cylinder TDI engine (2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) CAGA CAGB CAHB CAHA CAGC  CMEA
4-cylinder TDI engine, 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail (EA 288 Gen. I) CNHA CNHC CSUA CSUB
4-cylinder direct injection engine (1.8, 2.0 ltr. 4-valve TFSI - generation II) CABB CABA CABD CDHA CDHB  CDNB CDNC CCUA CAEB CDZA CAEA CADA CFKA CPMA CPMB CAED 
4-cylinder direct injection engine (1.8, 2.0 ltr. 4-valve TFSI - generation III) CJEB CNCD CJED CNCE CJEE  CUHA CUJA
6-cylinder TDI engine (2.7 ltr.; 3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) CAMA CAPA CAMB CCWA CCWB  CGKB CGKA CCLA 
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail - generation II) CLAB CDUC CKVB CKVC CKVD
6-cylinder direct injection engine with supercharger (3.0 ltr. 4-valve TFSI) CAKA CCBA CGXC CGWC CMUA  CHMB CTUB
6-cylinder direct injection engine with supercharger (3.0 ltr. 4-valve TFSI, EA837evo) CREC CTDA CRED
6-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (3.2 ltr. 4-valve) CALA
8-cylinder direct injection engine (4.2 ltr. 4-valve, RS 4, RS 5) CFSA

Transmissions covered by our 2008 Audi A4 service manual:

[8E,8E2,8E5,8EC,8ED] B7

5-speed manual gearbox 012, 01W, 0A9, front-wheel drive
5-speed manual gearbox 01A, four-wheel drive
6-speed manual gearbox 01E, four-wheel drive
6-speed manual gearbox 01E/0A1, front-wheel drive
6-speed manual gearbox 01X, front-wheel drive
6-speed manual gearbox 02X, four-wheel drive
6-speed manual gearbox 0A2, front-wheel drive
6-speed manual gearbox 0A3, four-wheel drive
multitronic 01J, front-wheel drive
multitronic 0AN, front-wheel drive
Automatic gearbox 01V, front-wheel drive and four-wheel drive
Automatic gearbox 09L, four-wheel drive


[8K,8K2,8K5,8KH] B8

6-speed manual gearbox 0B1, front-wheel drive
6-speed manual gearbox 0B2, four-wheel drive
6-speed manual gearbox 0B3, front-wheel drive
6-speed manual gearbox 0B4, four-wheel drive
7-speed dual clutch gearbox 0B5 (S tronic)
8-speed automatic gearbox 0BK, four-wheel drive
Automatic gearbox 0B6, four-wheel drive
multitronic 0AW, front-wheel drive

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